Tuesday 17 October 2017

Poster session: 11:00 - 12:30 and 16.15 - 18.00


P-1 Dual Frequency Laser Gun LLRF System

Tomasz Plawski1, Ramakrishna Bachimanchi1, Manuel Diaz1, Curt Hovater1, Scott Higgins1, Clyde Mounts1, Chad Seaton1, Dave Seidman1

1Jefferson Lab, Newport News, United States


P-2 Upgrading the J-PARC Ring LLRF systems

Masahito Yoshii1, Fumihiko Tamura2 , Yasuyuki Sugiyama1 



P-3 Renewal and upgrade of the fast beam-based feedback system at FLASH (PDF)

Sven Pfeiffer1

1DESY, Hamburg, Germany


P-4 MicroTCA.4-based LLRF for the superconducting CW Linac ELBE - Status and Outlook (PDF)

Michael Kuntzsch1, Reinhard Steinbrück1, Rico Schurig1, Martin Hierholzer2, Martin Killenberg2, Christian Schmidt2, Cagil Gümüs2, Łukasz Butkowski2, Matthias Hoffmann2, Chris Iatrou3, Julian Rahm3, Igor Rutkowski4, Maciek Grzegrzółka4

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf HZDR, Dresden, Germany, 2DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 3Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 4Warsaw University of Technology, Warzsaw, Poland


P-5 The NSLS-II digital RF field controller design and operational experience

James Rose1, Brian Holub1, Hengjie Ma1, Carlos Marques1, Jorge Oliva1, Nathan Towne1

1NSLS-II, Brookhaven Lab, Upton, United States


P-6 Overview and system requirements for SARAF-LINAC LLRF systems (PDF)

Lu Zhao1, Guillaume Ferrand1, Michel Luong1, Romuald Duperrier1, Nicolas Pichoff1,  Claude Marchand1

1CEA Saclay, Gif-sur-yvette, France


P-7 Preliminary measurements of amplitude and phase in the top-implart proton linear accelerator (PDF)

Vincenzo Surrenti1, Alessandro Ampollini1, Giulia Bazzano1,  Michele Arturo Caponero1, Paolo Nenzi1, Luigi Picardi1, Andrea Polimadei1, Concetta Ronsivalle1, Emiliano Trinca1

1Enea, Frascati, Italy


P-8 RF Systems for the Low Energy RHIC (PDF) Electron Cooling Project (PDF)

Kevin Mernick1, Michael Blaskiewicz1, Thomas Hayes1, Geetha Narayan1, Fred Severino1, Kevin Smith1,Binping Xiao1,Tianmu Xin, Wencan Xu1, Alex Zaltsman1

1Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, United States


P-9 Status of the LLRF Development for the ESR Barrier-Bucket System (PDF)

Jens Harzheim1, Frey Michael2, Kerstin Groß1, Harald Klingbeil1,2, Dilyana Domont-Yankulova1

1Tu Darmstadt (temf), Darmstadt, Germany, 2GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt, Germany


P-10 Overview of LLRF System for iBNCT Accelerator (PDF)

Zhigao Fang1, Kenta Futatsukawa1, Yuji Fukui1, Takashi Obina1, Yosuke honda1, Feng Qiu1, Takashi Sugimura1, Shinichiro Michizono1, Shozo  Anami1, Fujio  Naito1, Hitoshi Kobayashi1, Toshikazu Kurihara1, Sasaharu Sato1, Tsukasa Miyajima1, Toshiyuki  Ohba2, Nobuaki Nagura2

1Kek, Tsukuba, Japan, 2Nippon Advanced Technology CO., LTD., naka, Japan


P-11 LLRF System for the Fermilab Muon g-2 and Mu2e Projects (PDF)

Philip Varghese1, Brian Chase1

1Fermilab, Batavia, United States


P-12 A MTCA.4 based digital LLRF system for the GSI UNILAC (PDF)

Jens Zappai1, Bernhard Schlitt1, Alexander Schnase1, Gerald Schreiber1

1GSI Helmholtzzentrum Für Schwerionenforschung GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany


P-13 Progress on the ISIS synchrotron digital low level RF system upgrade (PDF)

Andrew Seville1, David Allen1, Robert Mathieson1

1STFC, Chilton, Didcot, United Kingdom


P-14 Operational experience of ALBA's Digital LLRF at SOLARIS Light Source (PDF)

Pawel Borowiec1, Angela Salom2, Francis Perez2, Lars Malmgren3, Åke Andersson3, Robert Lindvall3, Aleksandar Mitrovic3, Adriana Wawrzyniak1, Paulina Klimczyk1, Maciej Kopec1, Arkadiusz Kisiel1, Lukasz Dudek1, Wojciech Kitka1

1Jagiellonian University, Synchrotron Solaris, Krakow, Poland, 2ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain, 3MAX IV Laboratory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden


P-15 Evolution and up-graduation of LLRF System of Indus-1 Synchrotron Radiation Source

Nitesh Tiwari1

1Raja Ramanna Centre for Advanced Technology, Indore, India  


P-16 Progress of the CSNS/RCS LLRF control system

Hong Sun1

1Institute Of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, Beijing, China


P-17 Design of LLRF system for MA-loaded cavity of HIAF (PDF)

Yan Cong1

1Institute Of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou, China


P-18 3GHz Linac RF measurement system using micro-TCA technology (PDF)

Peter Corlett1, Simin Chen1, Ross Hogan1, Greg LeBlanc1, Adam Michalczyk1, Andrew Starritt1, Karl Zingre1

1Australian Synchrotron, Melbourne, Australia


P-19 Temperature stabilized LLRF control for new generation linear accelerators (PDF)

Robert Cerne1, Borut Baricevic1, Gasper Jug1, Primoz Lemut1, Zarko Lestan1, mag. Borut Repic1, Matej Oblak1, Luka Rahne1, Damijan Skvarc1, Luca Piersanti2, Alessandro Gallo2, Marco Bellaveglia2

1Instrumentation Technologies d.d., Solkan, Slovenia, 2INFN-LNF, Frascati, Italy


P-20 Low-Level RF Control System Development for the HIMM Linac (PDF)

Ruifeng Zhang1, Yan Cong1

1Imp, Lanzhou, China


P-21 Digital Low Level RF Systems for Diamond Light Source (PDF)

Chris Christou1, Pengda Gu1, Paul Hamadyk1, David Spink1, Angela Salom2, Francis Pérez2

1Diamond Light Source, Didcot, United Kingdom, 2ALBA-CELLS Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain


P-22 LLRF system for a novel, compact, superconducting cyclotron for radioisotope production (PDF)

Daniel Gavela Pérez1, José Miguel Barcala1, Antonio Esteve1, Ángel Guirao1, Jesús Marín1, Concepción Oliver1, Luis García-Tabares1, Fernando Toral1, Cristina Vázquez1, Francis Pérez2, Ángela Salom2

1Ciemat, Madrid, Spain, 2CELLS, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain


P-23 Experience with the PIP-II Injector Test

Jonathan Edelen1, Brian Chase1, Joshua Einstein-Curtis1, Edward Cullerton1, Philip Varghese1

1Fermilab, Batavia, United States


P-24 Overview of Improvements for the J-PARC Linac LLRF System (PDF)

Kenta Futatsukawa1

1High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, Tsukuba, Japan


P-25 Current status of LLRF development at RISP

Hyojae Jang1, Kyungtae Seol1, Oh Ryong Choi1, Do Yoon Lee1, Ki Taek Son1, Hoe Chun Jeong1

1IBS, Daejeon, South Korea


P-26 A LLRF Hardware Testbench for LCLS-II (PDF)

Jorge Diaz Cruz1,2, Andrew Benwell2, Alessandro Ratti2, Matt Boyes2, Lawrence Doolittle3, Carlos Serrano3, Gang Huang3

1Colorado State University, Fort Collins, United States, 2SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Menlo Park, United States, 3LBNL, Berkeley, United States


P-27 Racks, A Comfortable Home for LCLS-II LLRF (PDF)

Andrew Benwell1, Matt Boyes1, Mike DiSalvo1, John Hugyik1, John Krzaszczak1, Andrew McCollough1, Alex Ratti1, Lawrence Doolittle2, Carlos Serrano2, Brian Chase3, Curt Hovater4

1SLAC, Menlo Park, USA, 2LBNL, Berkeley, USA, 3FNAL, Batavia, USA, 4JLAB, Newport News, USA


P-28 Preliminary Commissioning Plans for the LCLS-II LLRF System

Andrew Benwell1, Chris Adolphsen1, Matt Boyes1, Jorge Diaz-Cruz1, Paul Emma1, Alex Ratti1, John Schmerge1, Lawrence Doolittle2, Gang Huang2, Carlos Serrano2, Brian Chase3, Josh Einstein3, Ramakrishna Bachimanchi4, Curt Hovater4

1SLAC, Menlo Park, USA, 2LBNL, Berkeley, USA, 3FNAL, Batavia, USA, 4JLAB, Newport News, USA


P-29 Update on FRIB LLRF development and production (PDF)

Shen Zhao1, Dan Morris1, Harsh Maniar1

1Facility For Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University, East Lansing, United States


P-30 Beam loading and LLRF considerations for FCC-ee (PDF)

Andrew Butterworth1, R. Calaga1, J. Esteban-Mueller1, I. Karpov1


P-31 Adaptive beam loading compensation in room temperature bunching cavities

Jonathan Edelen1, Brian Chase1, Edward Cullerton1, Philip Varghese1

1Fermilab, Batavia, United States


P-32 Analysis of Iterative Learning Control in Frequency domain

Ken Fong1, Mike Laverty1, Qiwen Zheng1

1Triumf, Vancouver, Canada


P-33 Energy-optimal cavity filling (PDF)

Olof Troeng1, Bo Bernhardsson1, Anders J Johansson1

1Lund University, Sweden


P-34 Automation of RF Cavity Conditioning (PDF)

Roger Kalt1, Jürgen Alex1, Florian Löhl1

1Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen PSI, Switzerland


P-35 ApplicationCore: A Framework for Modern Control Applications at the Example of a Facility Independent LLRF Server (PDF)

Martin Hierholzer1, Martin Killenberg1, Geogin Varghese1, Nadeem Shehzad1, Michele Viti1, Sebastian Marsching2, Adam Piotrowski3, Christian Schmidt1, Ludwig Petrosyan1, Tomasz Kozak1, Pawel Predki4, J. Wychowaniak4, Adam Dworzanski5, Krzysztof Czuba5

1DESY, Hamburg, Germany, 2aquenos GmbH, Baden-Baden, Germany, 3FastLogic GmbH, Lodz, Poland, 4University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, 5University of Technology, Warsaw, Poland


P-36 Digital LLRF control system on BEPCII

Wang Mu Yuan1

1Institute Of High Energy Physics Institution, Beijng, China


P-37 Simulation of microphonic effects in high Ql TESLA cavities during CW operations (PDF)

Andrea Bellandi1, Julien Branlard1, Holger Schlarb1, Christian Schmidt1, Sven Pfeiffer1

1Desy, Hamburg, Germany


  P-38 EPICS and VHDL developments in the LLRF for MYRRHA Project's RFQ prototype (PDF)

Joly Christophe1, Sarlin Wladimir1, Le Ster Thomas1

1Cnrs-ipn, Orsay, France


P-39 Resonance Frequency Tuning of an RF Cavity through Sliding Mode Extremum Seeking

Ramona Leewe1, Ken Fong1, Zahra Shahriari1

1TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada


P-40 STARFISH-PY: A Versatile Toolchain for the Analysis of Synchrotron RF Systems’ Data (PDF)

Dieter Lens1, Harald Klingbeil1,2

1GSI, Darmstadt, Germany, 2Technische Universität Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany


P-41 Pulsed Digital LLRF Control System for Sub Harmonic Pre-Buncher of IR-FEL

Pritam S Bagduwal1, Nitesh Tiwari1, Dheeraj Sharma1, Mahendra Lad1

1Raja Ramanna Centre For Advanced Technology, Indore, India


P-42 DSP Implementation of an Iterative Learning Controller (PDF)

Michael Laverty1, Ken Fong1, Qiwen Zheng1

1Triumf, Vancouver, Canada


P-43 A noise suppression method based on system identification for the HEPS-TF 166.6 MHz LLRF system (PDF)

Qunyao Wang1, Haiying  Lin1, Pei Zhang1, Yi Sun1, Guangwei Wang1, Muyuan Wang1

1Institute of High Energy Physics, Beijing, China


P-44 Detuning, RF stability and transient beam-loading studies of RF control for the BESSY VSR higher harmonic SC Cavities (PDF)

Axel Neumann1

1Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany


P-45 Kalman filter implementation by MTCA4.0 for gun cavity detuning compensation

Andriy Ushakov1, Axel Neumann1, Pablo Echevarria1

1Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany


P-46 Digital Low Level RF control for Advanced Light Source (PDF)

Qiang Du1, Kenneth Baptiste1, Michael Betz1, Massimiliano Vinco1, Lawrence Doolittle1, Gang Huang

1Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, United States


P-47 BIDS, the open source building blocks for a high precision RF control system

Gang Huang1,  Lawrence Doolittle1, Qiang Du1,  Carlos Serrano1

1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, United States


P-48 Exploring possibilities for active michrophonic compensation of BNL SRF Cavities (PDF)

Freddy Severino1,Thomas Hayes1, Kevin Mernick1, Geetha Narayan1, Salvatore Polizzo1, Carlos Ramirez1, Kevin S Smith1, Alexander Zaltsman1

1Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, United States


P-49 A novel double sideband-based phase averaging line

Zhenyang Lin1

1Haidian, Beijing, China


P-50 FRIB LLRF control: issues and improvements (PDF)

Shen Zhao1, Dan Morris1, Harsh Maniar1

1Facility For Rare Isotope Beams, Michigan State University, East Lansing, United States


P-51 VSWR Protection System and Cavity Frequency Tuning System for RF Power Source at CSNS LINAC (PDF)

Zhexin Xie1,2, Zhenchen  Mu1,2, Linyan  Rong1,2, Wenzhong  Zhou1,2, Bo  Wang1,2, Maliang  Wan1,2, Meifei  Liu1,2, Xinan  Xu1,2, Jian  Li1,2, Zonghua  Zhang1,2, Jimin  Qiao1,2

1China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS), Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), Dongguan, China, 2Dongguan Institute of Neutron Science (DINS), Dongguan, China


P-52 High Density Mixed Signal Hardware Design for Scientific Measurement and Control (PDF)

Daniel Van Winkle1, Josef Frisch1, Steve Smith1, John Dusatko1

1Slac National Accelerator Laborator, Menlo Park, United States


P-53 Upgrade of the MicroTCA.4 based LLRF down-converter series for up

to 6GHz operation frequency.

Matthias Hoffmann1, Uros Mavric1, Frank Ludwig1, Holger Schlarb1

1DESY, Hamburg, Germany


P-54 LLRF for the RFQ prototype of the MYRRHA project (PDF)

Christophe Joly1, Thomas Lester1, Wladimir Sarlin3, Beng-Yun Ky1, Jean-François Yaniche1, Sylvain Berthelot1, Holger Podlech2, Dirk Vandeplassche3

1Institut de Physique Nucléaire d'ORsay (CNRS-IN2P3), Orsay, France, 2Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet  (IAP),, Frankfurt am Main,  Germany, 3Centre d'études et de recherche Nucléaire (SCK*CEN), Mol, Belgium


P-55 Evaluation of the extension of the MTCA.4 board connectivity to the rear side of crates (PDF)

Uros Mavric1, Michael Fenner1, Julien Branlard1, Holger Schlarb1, Dariusz Makowski2, Aleksander Mielczarek2, Filip Makowski2

1Desy, Hamburg, Germany, 2LUT-DMCS, Lodz, Poland


P-56 NSLS-II LINAC RF Control System: Requirement and Implementation

Hengjie Ma1, James Rose1

1NSLS-II, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, United States

P-57 LLRF Applications and Advancement of MicroTCA Technology

Cagil  Gumus, Thomas  Walter, Christian  Schmidt, Konrad  Przygoda, Martin  Hierholzer

1DESY, Hamburg, Germany


P-58 The upgrade of J-PARC LINAC LLRF system (PDF)

Song Li 1

1Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC), 2-4 Shirakata, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan


P-59 LLRF Upgrade Plans for PSI’s Proton Accelerator (PDF)

Andreas Hauff1

1Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland


P-60 LLRF controls in SuperKEKB Phase-1 commissioning (PDF)

Tetsuya Kobayashi1, Kazunori Akai1, Kota Nakanishi1, Michiru Nishiwaki1, Shin-ichi Yoshimoto1, Kouki Hirosawa2

1KEK, Tsukuba, Japan, 2SOKENDAI, Tsukuba, Japan


P-61 Hardware Concept for the SLS 2 LLRF Systems (PDF)

Kristian Ambrosch1, Mario Jurcevic1, Roger Kalt1

1Paul Scherrer Institute, Villigen, Switzerland


P-62 Linac4 LLRF - An update

Robert Borner1, Philippe Baudrenghien, Bartosz Bielawski,  Javier Galindo, Gregoire Hagmann, Bruno Kremel

1CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


P-63 Additive phase-noise in frequency conversion in LLRF systems

Igor Rutkowski1

1Warsaw University Of Technology, ISE, Warsaw, Poland


P-64 Commissioning and performance of a phase-compensated optical link for the AWAKE experiment at CERN (PDF)

Diego Barrientos1, John Molendijk1, Thomas Bohl1, Andy Butterworth1, Heiko Damerau1, Wolfgang Höfle1, Michael Jaussi1

1CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


P-65 A 1 GHz RF Trigger Unit implemented in FPGA logic (PDF)

Diego Barrientos1, John Molendijk1, Gregoire Hagmann1

1CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


P-66 Upgrade of the Beam-synchronous RF Source System in the CERN PS (PDF)

Heiko Damerau1, Damien Perrelet1

1CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


P-67 The structure and status of the LLRF System for PAL-XFEL (PDF)

Jinyul Hu1, W. H. Hwang1, G.-Y. Moon1, H.-S. Kang1, H.-S. Lee1, C.-K. Min1, H. Heo1, O. J. Kim2, H. S. Lee2, Y. S. Kim3, J. H. Chang3, J. S. Han3

1Pohang Accelerator Laboratory (PAL), Pohang, South Korea, 2Mobiis Co., Ltd, Seoul, South Korea, 3RFPT Co., Ltd, Anyang, South Korea


P-68 Polish in-kind Contribution to ESS LLRF Control System (PDF)

Krzysztof Czuba1,  Szewiński Jarosław2, Cichalewski Wojciech3, Andrzej Napieralski3, Adam Abramowicz1, Zbigniew Gołębiewski2, Dariusz Makowski3, Ignacy Kudla2, Paweł Krawczyk2, Marcin Gosk2, Maciej Grzegrzołka1, Igor Rutkowski1

1Warsaw University Of Technology, Warsaw, Poland, 2NCBJ, Otwock/Świerk, Poland, 3Technical University of Lodz, Lódź, Poland


P-69 Cavity simulator for LLRF Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulations

Eukeni Aldekoa1, Pablo Echevarria1, Axel Neumann1, Andriy Ushakov1

1Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany


P-70 FERMI LLRF High Power S-Band RF Test Stand development for breakdown diagnostics of accelerating structures.

Federico Gelmetti1, Claudio  Serpico1, Massimo Milloch1, Mauro Predonzani1

1Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste Scpa, Trieste, Italy


P-71 LCLS-II gun/buncher and APEX LLRF development

Gang Huang1, Lawrence Doolittle1

1Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, United States


P-72 Multi-frequency Supported LLRF Front-end

QI Chen1,2,3, Lawrence Doolittle2, Gang Huang2, Yuan He1, Xianwu Wang1

1Institute Of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy Of Sciences, LANZHOU, China, 2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, United States, 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China


P-73 Piezo control for XFEL (PDF)

Mariusz Grecki1, for LLRF group

1DESY, Hamburg, Germany


P-74 SoC Architectures in LLRF at Fermilab (PDF)

Brian Chase1, Ed Cullerton1, Joshua Einstein-Curtis1, Philip Varghese1

1Fermilab, Batavia, United States


P-75 SwissFEL C-band downconverter design (PDF)

Alexander Dietrich1

1Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland


P-76 Design and Development of FMC RF Data Converter Modules for the SNS Ring LLRF Control System (PDF)

Franklin Frye1

1Ornl-sns, Oak Ridge, United States


P-77 Implementation of a One-Turn Delay Feedback with a Fractional Delay Filter (PDF)

Lorenz Schmid1, Philippe Baudrenghien1, Gregoire Hagmann1

1CERN, Geneva, Switzerland


P-78 The ESS FPGA Framework and its Application on the ESS LLRF System (PDF)

Christian Amstutz1, Maurizio Donna1, Mehdi Mohammednezhad3, Anders J Johansson1,2

1European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden, 2Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 3Sigma Connectivity, Lund, Sweden


P-79 Baseband board set for LCLS-II LLRF (PDF)

Lawrence Doolittle1, Gang Huang1, John Jones1, Carlos Serrano1

1LBNL, Berkeley, United States


P-80 LO and CLK generation modules for LLRF system of European XFEL (PDF)

Mateusz Zukocinski1, Krzysztof Czuba1, Matthias Hoffmann2, Frank Ludwig2, Uros Mavric2, Maciej Urbanski1

1Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw, Poland, 2Desys Elektronen-Synchrotron, Hamburg, Germany


P-81 The Consideration of RF Reference Phase Stabilization for the SuperKEKB Injector LINAC (PDF)

Na Liu1, Takako Miura1,2, Toshihiro Matsumoto1,2, Dai Arakawa2, Hiroaki Katagiri2, Yoshiharu Yano2, Shinichiro Michizono1,2, Feng Qiu1,2, Sigit Basuki Wibowo1

1The Graduate University for Advanced Studies (SOKENDAI), Shonan Village, Japan, 2High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), 1-1 Oho, Tsukuba, Japan


P-82 Master Oscillator concept for ESS (PDF)

Anders Svensson1, Anders J Johansson2

1European Spallation Source, Lund, Sweden, 2Lund University, Lund, Sweden


P-83 High Level Applications for SwissFEL LLRF System (PDF)

Zheqiao Geng1

1Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen Psi, Switzerland


P-84 FPGA-Based Cavity Phase Stabilization for Coherent Pulse Stacking (PDF)

Yilun Xu1,2, Russell Wilcox2, John Byrd2, Lawrence Doolittle2, Qiang Du2, Gang Huang2, Yawei Yang2, Chuanxiang Tang1, Wenhui Huang1

1Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, USA


P-85 Soleil digital transverse bunch by bunch feedback system upgrade

Rajesh Sreedharan1

1Synchrotron Soleil, Gif-sur-yvette, France


P-86 Laser-to-RF Synchronization with Femtosecond Precision

Christian Schmidt1, Thorsten Lamb1, Lukasz Butkowski1, Ewa Felber1, Matthias Felber1, Michael Fenner1, Szymon Jablonski1, Tomasz Kozak1, Jost Müller1, Pawel Predki1, Cezary Sydlo1, Mikheil Titberidze1, Falco Zummack1

1Desy, Hamburg, Germany


P-87 Detuning and field control of an SRF Photoinjector Cavity for the bERLinPro Energy Recovery Linac

Axel Neumann1, Andriy Ushakov1, Pablo Echevarria1

1Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany


P-88 XFEL RF Synchronization System

Dominik Sikora1, Krzysztof Czuba1, Paweł Jatczak1, Dawid Kołcz1, Maciej Urbański1, Martin Killenberg2, Frank Ludwig2, Heinrich Pryschelski2, Holger Schlarb2, Nadeem Shehzad2

1Warsaw University of Technology, ISE, Warsaw, Poland, 2Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Hamburg, Germany


P-89 Status update on the 1.3 GHz Master Oscillator of the European XFEL (PDF)

Bartosz Gąsowski1, Łukasz Zembala1, Stanisław Hanasz1, Tomasz Owczarek1, Krzysztof Czuba1, Henning-Christof Weddig2, Holger Schlarb2, Julien Branlard2

1Warsaw University of Technology, ISE, Warsaw, Poland, 2DESY, Hamburg, Germany


P-90 Cavity Simulator for the European Spallation Source (PDF)

Maciej Grzegrzółka1, Igor Rutkowski1, Krzysztof Czuba1

1Warsaw University Of Technology, ISE, Warsaw, Polska


P-91 CERN’s VXS LLRF platform: new features & beam results

Maria Elena Angoletta1

Simon Albright1, Alan Findlay1, Steven Hancock1, Michael JaussiJohn  Molendijk1, Danilo Quartullo1, Jorge Sanchez-Quesada1

1Cern, Geneva, Switzerland


P-92 The SPS LLRF upgrade project: An update (PDF)

Gregoire Hagmann1, Javier Galindo Guarch1,2, Gerd Kotzian1, Lorenz Schmid1, Arthur Spierer1, Philippe Baudrenghien1

1Cern, Geneva, Switzerland, 2UPC, Barcelona, Spain


P-93 LLRF Resonance Control System for LCLS2

Ramakrishna Bachimanchi1, Brian Chase2, Joshua Einstein-Curtis 2, Curt Hovater1, Gang Huang3

1Jefferson Lab, Newport News, United States, 2Fermi Lab, Chicago, United States, 3Berkeley Lab, Berkeley, United States


P-94 Modular Low-Noise Piezoamplifier Driver for SRF Applications (PDF)

Brian Chase1, Joshua Einstein-Curtis1, Dan Klepec1

1Fermilab, Batavia, United States


P-95 Phase Reference Distribution System for European Spallation Source (PDF)

Mateusz Zukocinski1, Krzysztof Czuba1, Michal Kalisiak1, Tomasz Lesniak1, Krzysztof Oliwa1, Radoslaw Papis1, Dominik Sikora1, Anders Sunesson2, Wojciech Wierba1, Rihua Zeng2

1Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Electronic Systems, Warsaw, Poland, 2European Spallation Source, ERIC, Lund, Sweden


P-96 Design Considerations for the RF Reference distribution System for RISP linac

Kyungtae Seol1, Hyojae Jang1, Hoechun Jung1

1IBS, Daejeon, South Korea


P-97 Low Level Upgrade for the brookhaven 200-MEV H-Linear Accelerator  

Freddy Severino1, Darryl Goldberg1, Thomas Hayes1, Vincent Lo Destro1, Kevin Mernick1, Geetha Narayan1, Kevin S. Smith1, Alexander Zaltsman1

1Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, United States


P-98 LCLS II Phase Reference System (PDF)

Chengcheng Xu1, Bo Hong1, Josef Frisch1, Steve Smith1, Lawrence Ruckman1

1Slac National Accelerator Lab, Menlo Park, United States


P-99 Digital Low Level RF Systems for SESAME light Source (PDF)

Nasha't Sawai1,D. Foudeh, 1 E. Huttel1, A. Kurdi1 D. Teytelman2

1Sesame, Allan, Jordan, 2     Dimtel, Inc, San José, United States

P-100 Design and status of a MicroTCA.4 based LLRF system for TARLA (PDF)

Christian Schmidt¹ , Julien Branlard¹, Łukasz Butkowski¹, Çağıl Gümüş¹, Martin Hierholzer¹, Konrad Przygoda¹, Holger Schlarb¹Matthias Hoffmann¹,  Konrad Przygoda¹, Holger Schlarb¹Avni Aksoy², Michael Kuntzsch³

​DESY, ¹ Hamburg, Germany, ² TARLA, Ankara, Turkey,³ HZDR, Dresden, Germany